Space Hymn and There You Go Again
10 Christian Hymns That Need to Be Put to Residue
- 2018 19 April

There are timeless, classic hymns that are sung in churches all over the world today. They are dearest hymns with beautiful messages of faith, memorable melodies, and rich qualities. I imagine they will outlast many of the modern worship songs we sing today, and rightfully so.
Nonetheless, there are hymns that simply don't make sense, and mayhap never made sense to the average worshiper. They are songs that are full of puzzling phrases that get out a person questioning rather than worshiping. Mayhap, it's time to put to rest a few of these hymns—not because they are "bad," but because they but don't cultivate a heart of worship. Afterwards all, Jesus reminded the woman at the well that the Father desires His followers to worship in Spirit and in truth.
"Just the hr is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers volition worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Male parent is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24 NKJV)
Here are 10 Christian hymns that need to be put to rest:
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1. Onward Christian Soldiers
Written in 1865, past Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, this song was never intended to exist published as a hymn. In fact, the author wrote it for a children's festival with the intention that the children of his village would sing information technology as they marched in procession.
Even so, it wasn't long subsequently, that Onward Christian Soldiers gained popularity and was included in the English hymnal. Although there is nada inherently incorrect with this hymn, it just does non usher the states into an temper of worship.
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two. Bringing in the Sheaves
What are sheaves? And why should we bring them in?
When outlining this commodity, this was the ane hymn my husband suggested exist included. He grew up singing about sheaves, but never knew what it meant. In fact, when he was really small, he used to sing, "bringing in the sheeps," considering that was what made sense to his young heed!
To this classic hymn's defence, I did a little earthworks and found this cute passage in Psalm 126 that may explain the pregnant of "sheaves" a scrap amend:
"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes along weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come up again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:five-6)
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3. Let All Mortal Mankind Go on Silence
Oh, dear. My mortal mankind is having a hard fourth dimension keeping silent regarding this 1864 hymn. With roots that date back to the fourth century, (the 4th century!), I'm afraid this old hymn should be put to residuum sooner rather than after.
Not only is this song confusing, it uses hard words such as homage, vesture, and vanguard in its verses. The everyday worshiper would observe this song challenging to sing, and, more than of a lark than a song of worship.
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iv. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
I personally love singing songs that proclaim the blood of Jesus. And in no mode do I call back we should shy away from the cross, the claret, or the reality of sin when nosotros worship. (That is a unsafe trend that probably deserves its own separate article.) However, the words of Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed include phrases such equally,
Would He devote that sacred head for such a worm as I…
Thy body slain sweetness Jesus thine, and bathed in its own blood…
Huh? I don't know virtually you, just those lines make me grimace as I read them. I call up this is 1 hymn we can safely put to residue.
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5. I Asked the Lord
The title of this hymn, written by the infamous John Newton, author of Amazing Grace, sounds kind of nice, doesn't it? But when taking a closer look at the lyrics, we read these words:
I hoped that in some favored hr at once He'd reply my request
And by His love's constraining power subdue my sins and give me residual
Instead of this He fabricated me experience the hidden evils of my eye
And allow the angry powers of Hell assault my soul in every part.
My, oh my. I'yard non quite certain what the intended meaning is, but to me, it speaks of a wrathful, condemning God who ignores the person requesting His help. Scripturally, it doesn't make sense that someone seeking the Lord would be assaulted past the angry powers of hell. Yes, the confidence of our sin is very existent, simply the immediate grace of God that covers the repentant heart is likewise of import to mention.
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6. Ambassadors of God
Written past Charles Wesley in 1776, this hymn sounds completely normal by championship, but chop-chop turns into a existent tongue-twister. After reading the commencement stanza, it's clear that this song doesn't lend itself to the clear meaning of being God'south ambassadors.
God, the offended God nigh high, ambassadors to rebels sends;
His messengers His place supply, and Jesus begs us to exist friends.
Instead, the Bible describes our office every bit Christ's ambassadors this way:
"Nosotros are therefore Christ'due south ambassadors, equally though God were making his appeal through us. We implore y'all on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." (ii Corinthians 5:twenty NIV)
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7. Beulah Country
I apologize ahead of fourth dimension for including this song on the list. I withal call back, dorsum in the day, hearing a duet of this hymn, where the singers sang with all the fervor anyone could have. But as I researched the hymn and read the words for myself, I couldn't help but include information technology.
The term Beulah Land simply isn't familiar enough to the worshiper to make sense. And though the original theme of the song was a noble one, this hymn ends upward beingness more confusing than inspiring.
On a positive note, hither is the verse in Isaiah from which the song was derived:
"You shall no longer exist termed Forsaken, nor shall your country any more exist termed Desolate; Only you shall be called Hephzibah,and your land Beulah…" (Isaiah 62:four)
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8. Faith is the Victory
I remember singing this hymn many times equally a teenager at the small state church where I played the piano alongside the worship leader. There is ane phrase, in particular, that is sugariness to the soul.
His banner over usa is beloved, our sword the Discussion of God…
However, my complaint against this song is the chorus itself:
Organized religion is the victory! Faith is the victory!
Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the earth.
Yeah, it is scripturally based, equally recorded in 1 John v:4-5: "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the globe—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the globe, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"
My concern, is that Christians volition forget that faith in Jesus Christ is more than words. Faith is belief of heart, heed, soul, and forcefulness, and the works that come from that faith. (James 2:twenty)
Let's remember Who has overcome the world—Jesus, Himself. And in Him we have put our faith.
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9. For the Dazzler of the Earth
Written by poet and teacher, Folliott Sandford Pierpoint, this song is definitely poetical in style. While there is nix wrong with the words, as they are an expression of gratefulness, this hymn is included on the list only due to preference.
To me, the focus is more than on the creation rather than the Creator. In my personal opinion, this song should remain as a choir piece, simply be put to rest as a congregational hymn.
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ten. Morning Has Broken
This popular hymn, offset written in 1931, was remade by popular musician Cat Stevens in 1971. It has singable phrases and an easy-going tune, simply the words are far from worship. In fact, some could say the hymn is more about worshiping the morning time and the birds and the singing.
With a poetical style and simplistic melody, this vocal is easily learned and remembered. Unfortunately, it does little to exalt God and usher in a center of worship.
In the finish, there will always exist beloved hymns favored by every generation, and for that, I am grateful. Withal, let's put to rest some of the more puzzling, outdated songs that crusade the worshiper to scratch their head in baffled wonder instead of raising easily of praise.
Jennifer Waddle is the author of Prayer Worrier: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayer. She lives with her family unit near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite identify to be.
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/miroslav_1

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